Finally, Game Plan pinball owners can enjoy a comprehensive manual they deserve. This book includes everything from the original repair manuals plus more comprehensive repair and maintenance information for your Game Plan pinball machine. Every parts diagram has been digitized and touched up at 600 DPI for the best quality! The entire book has over 80 pages! "Game Plan Pinball Machines, A Complete Owner's Manual" includes:
- How to repair and troubleshoot Game Plan pinball machines. Including module replacement procedures, and MPU, MSU, PSU, BDU, DDU, and SDU diagnostic and repair procedures.
- General descriptions of what each circuit board is and what it does.
- Common DIP switch settings for MPU boards.
- Parts catalogs for all circuit boards and common machine parts listing all components and ICs.
- A listing of where to get your Game Plan boards repaired (if you can't or don't want to do it yourself).
- A listing of where to buy ICs, rubber parts, and connectors.
- Learn how to use the accounting functions of the machines. Covers routine maintenance of your machine.
- Schematics of all common Game Plan pinball machine circuit boards.
- A complete listing of all Game Plan pinball machines with dates, production numbers, and notes.