"Capacitor 15000 uF 16V radial" has been added to your cart.
Capacitor 15000 uF @ 16 volts with radial leads.
Desoldering iron and pump 30 watt
Solder Sucker with high suction power. This is ideal for P.C. Board repa...
Solder flux pen
6-1/2 inch Titanium Soldering Pick
Solder - Pocket Dispenser 14 gram tube 60/40 tin/lead
Maintenance Kit for the DS017 Original Deluxe SOLDAPULLT desoldering pump...
Maintenance Kit for the US140 Universal SOLDAPULLT desoldering pump...
"The Original" Deluxe SOLDAPULLT. This spring-loaded vacuum device is designed for heavy duty applications...
Standard O-Ring for AS196, DS017, DS017LS, US140 and US340 SOLDAPULLT Desoldering Pump...
O-Ring Lube for SOLDAPULLT De-soldering Pump
Replacement Tip for DS017, PT109 and US140 Desoldering Pumps...
Safety Glasses
Capacitor is 15000 uf @ 16 volts with axial leads and measures 2" long x 3...