Inquisitor IC Tester - Core


The Inquisitor IC Tester is a system to test various ICs.

The core unit pairs with your choice of Blade to test a variety of Integrated Circuits including SRAM, PSRAM, DRAM, PIAs, RIOTs, and others.

This is a kit and must be assembled and soldered.

You must purchase one of these blades for the type of IC you want to test:

  • PIA/RIOT Blade-tests 6821 and compatible Peripheral Interface Adapters, and 6532 and compatible RIOT ICs.
  • SRAM Blade-tests 2101, 2114, 2016, 2018, 2125, 2147, 2148, 2149, 2465, 4016, 9114, 5101, 6514, 6116, 6264, 6810, 5189, 7489, 74189, W24257, W24257, M5M5189, 62256 and all variations of anyPin NVRAM.
  • PSRAM Blade-tests 3764, 4164, 6665, 9064, 4256, 41256, 4416, 4464, 41464, 44256, 4516, and 81416.
  • 9060 DRAM Blade-tests 9060 and compatible DRAM.
  • 4116 DRAM Blade-tests 4116, 9116, D416, 4027, 4096
4.5 oz


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