Bally XENON pinball machine translucent blue pop bumper cap.
Bally FIREBALL II pinball machine pop bumper cap. Reference: A-40...
Bally FATHOM pop bumper cap
7 piece set of Bally SILVERBALL MANIA pinball machine pop bumper caps.
Gottlieb HAUNTED HOUSE pinball machine pop bumper cap. 4 caps per game.
Gottlieb white plastic pop bumper cap with red '100 Points When Lit' imprint
Transparent blue plastic collar 3-1/4 inch diameter
Official Stern DEADPOOL pinball Ninja Star custom pop bumper kit...
Pop bumper cap Bally '1000 When Lit/3000 When Flashing'
Faceted clear blue pop bumper cap for Data East / Sega / Stern and Capcom pinball machines
Faceted crystal clear pop bumper cap for Data East / Sega / Stern and Capcom pinball machines.
Bally ADDAMS FAMILY Clear Pop bumper cap with cut off side.
SPACE SHUTTLE (Williams) Pop bumper cap set
BEAT THE CLOCK (Bally) Pop bumper cap
Red plastic pop bumper cap with grooves or concentric circles.
Bumper cap with red star point perimeter with red 'Points 1000 When Lit' top imprint
Pop bumper cap with stamped Blue Spiderweb image for Gottlieb SPIDERMAN...
STRIKES & SPARES (Bally) Pop bumper cap set
BUCKAROO (Gottlieb) Pop bumper cap set (6)
TERMINATOR 2 (Williams) Pop bumper cap set
Pop bumper cap - yellow starburst
4 piece set of Bally XENON pinball machine translucent blue pop bumper cap...
Pop bumper cap yellow mushroom
Bally EMBRYON pop bumper cap wih stamped silver design. EMBRYON requ...
CENTAUR (Bally) Pop bumper cap set
FATHOM (Bally) Pop bumper cap set
Plastic, wide side "mushroom" shaped cap is used on many late model Bally/Williams games
SIMPSONS PINBALL PARTY (Stern) Cooling tower red
Yellow Gottlieb RAVEN pinball machine pop bumper cap RAVEN logo decal...
Jet bumper cap for Bally CIRQUS VOLTAIRE.
Pop bumper cap 'Points 10 When Lit' green / blue
Pop bumper cap Bally decal 1K/3K
Bally/Midway transparent red pop bumper cap with frosted top and screw holes C-1014-1
Blue circled 5 point star with red sun design top pop bumper cap.
Gottlieb white plastic pop bumper cap with blue "100 Points" imprint
Pop bumper (thumper bumper) cap with Red starpoint perimeter and gold stam...
Pop bumper cap with stamped blue Joker image for Gottlieb ROYAL FLUSH and CARD WHIZ.
Plastic mushroom bumper and stem used in many late 1970's Bally games.
FUNHOUSE (Williams) Pop bumper cap set
3 piece pop bumper cap set for Stern GALAXY pinball machine.
3 piece pop bumper cap set for Bally WIZARD pinball machine...
4 piece pop bumper cap set with blue starpoint perimeter and blue letters.
GETAWAY (Williams) Pop bumper cap set
Wide edge pop bumper cap used on Data East pinball games...
Pop bumper cap - light blue
Faceted crystal green pop bumper cap for Data East / Sega / Stern and Capcom pinball machines
Bally PARAGON red starburst perimeter with black "Viking" top imprint pop cap
Red star point perimeter pop bumper cap with red stamped "100" in circle.
3 piece pop bumper cap set for Stern NUGENT pinball machine
3 piece set of black star point perimeter with red checkerboard top imprin...
Williams MEDIEVAL MADNESS pinball machine modified pop bumper cap.
Gottlieb white plastic pop bumper cap with red stylized asterisk imprint
Datat East JURASSIC PARK pinball machine Jump Bumper cap. Referen...
Pop bumper cap with Blue stamped pool rack
GENESIS (Gottlieb) Pop bumper cap set
Blue star point perimeter with red American Flag top imprint pop bumper cap.
3 piece set of blue star point perimeter with red American Flag top imprin...
White pop bumper cap with blue "1000 Points When Lit" imprint. Referen...
1979 Stern DRACULA pinball bumper cap has red Art Deco perimeter and cente...
INDIANA JONES (Williams) Pop bumper cap set