Cap for vertical upkicker (VUK) ball popper assembly sits on top of A-11336 plunger...
Williams bell armature assembly USE A-17767
Threaded core plug adjustable - flat top.
Armature. Reference: A-15821
Bell armature assembly
Plunger and reset plate used on many Bally/Williams pinball machine drop t...
1-15/16 inch core plug with threaded beveled slotted bottom with concave top.
11mm x 66.2mm plunger used on divertor mechanisms.
AC/DC PREMIUM (Stern) Swinging bell clapper rod
Armature Gottlieb AS relay
Black plastic 2-3/8 in overall length armature extension used in Williams GETAWAY...
ADDAMS FAMILY (Bally) Magnet core used in...
Ball lock bar - Stern
Newton ball and stud
Plunger assembly - Alien figure
Shaft & blade assembly
EARTHSHAKER (Williams) Zone opener shaft
Shaft 1/4 x 2-1/2 inches
Plunger assembly 6 in overall length for Williams MEDIEVAL MADNESS pinball m...
Plunger assembly 3.97 inches
Shaft 1/8 x 1-1/16 inch
Link pin
Williams MEDIEVAL MADNESS pinball machine tower armature assembly...
STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION pinball machine gun shaft
Plunger assembly
CONGO (Williams) Gray gorilla shaft & plate
Solenoid plunger
Dual crank, link & plunger assembly. Reference: A-19694
METALLICA PREMIUM LE (Stern) Disappearing ball core
Plunger assembly 3.75 inches
Gottlieb drop target assembly drive coil plunger.
Plunger divertor for Bally CHAMPION PUB.
1-15/16 inch core plug with threaded beveled slotted bottom with flat top
Relay armature plate Bally
Plunger & long metal link assembly for Williams Bram Stoker's DRACULA
Bally TWILIGHT ZONE gear shaft. Reference: 02-4715
Coil armature assembly for Williams STAR WARS EPISODE 1 pinball machine...
MONSTER BASH (Williams) Armature plunger
Plunger - trough coil
Bally CORVETT gear shaft.
Armature Gottlieb AC relay 4 bank
DRACULA (Williams) Armature tip
Plunger assembly 3.468 inches
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN (Stern) treasure chest plunger.
Shaft - pivot
Actuator shaft
Williams FLINTSTONES pinball machine armature.
Drop target shaft 3 bank
Disappearing post for Bally CHAMPION PUB and Williams CONGO pinball machines and others...
9-1/2 inch long drop target reset bar with 2 c-clips for Gottlieb.
ATTACK FROM MARS (Bally) Saucer armature
Plunger assembly 4.3125 inches post diverter
This is the short pivot shaft for Williams MEDIEVAL MADNESS pinball machin...
Bat pushbutton actuator Williams baseball
INDEPENDENCE DAY (Sega) Drive link
Plunger assembly disappearing post
Ball lock plunger used in Gottlieb pinball machines.
Relay armature plate Gottlieb ball gate
Shaft 1/4 x 2-9/16 inches