New stainless steel "Bazaar" scoop bracket for Williams TALES OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS pinball machine.
Stronger, thicker stainless steel weldment with additional support tabs and welds for excellent long term reliability.
Ships un-assembled. Cable not included.
- USE 04-10332
- A-20691 loop bracket assembly
- 01-8240 (1) plate-nut #2-56
- 04-10332 (1) loop assembly-right
- 4002-01105-07 (2) screw 2-56x7/16 p-ph-s
- 5070-09054-00 (1) diode-1N4004 1.0a
- 5647-12693-13 (1) switch sub mini micro
- 5791-10772-00 (1) connector 2P11625 03-06-2023
- 5820-09078-00 (2) crimp terminal pm1560 02-06-2101
- CW-30022-5 (4) wire 22awg green
- CW-30022-9 (4) wire 22awg white
- H-18214-12 (1) general switch 2 pin cable-4"
- RM-23-01 (2) tubing-heat shrink-1/8 poly